of the environment

Together we can do it.
A solid alternative for sustainable development.

Focusing mainly on environmental sustainability as the goal for improving the quality of life. Cities with less traffic on the roads, more usable motorways, less pollution and better air quality.




For protection
of the atmosphere.

Now more than ever we talk about a compulsory need, a combined transport system, cutting edge in terms of safe performance, for concrete and sustainable INTEGRATION between road and rail transport operators. Factors such as noise pollution and wear of the road surfaces with very high costs to the public are often not taken into account. Over the years of operation, Lotras has achieved a concrete reduction in air and noise pollution: every year we eliminate 120,000 vehicles from the roads, resulting in a considerable reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide polluting the air.




Non perdere il treno.
Incentivare le aziende
all’uso della ferrovia.

Objectives: Integration of the networks and logistics chain to overcome the current crisis in the market and relaunch the transport of goods by rail. A concrete reduction plan that can only be achieved with the commitment of all concerned, companies and transporters.
Our method:

  • Delocalization
  • Central location of goods yards.
  • Reorganisation of national
  • Optimum execution/management
    of services.
  • More usable yards "Network" program.




Commitments made
and achieved over the years.

More than 40% of the overall reduction in CO2 emissions can be attributed to a change from road transport to combined transport, the remainder to the reduction of specific consumption, limiting empty journeys, improving the vehicle filling coefficient and greater outsourcing.




Company integrated policies

The strategy of LOTRAS S.r.l. aims to improve and consolidate its presence on the market in order to guarantee long-term perspectives to the company and its staff as a guarantee of high quality standards with regard to its market. All of this, in full compliance with laws and regulations on the management of the quality of services including the one about hygiene and health of foodstuffs transported, the protection of the environment, all the requirements of social responsibility, safety and health at work in order to eliminate or minimize the risks for workers associated with their activities.

For the Company Integrated Policy please click here



Supports Art and Culture.

Lotras has been putting forward a cultural-based, economic, dynamic development since several years. Environmental awareness, CO2 emission reduction, sustainable mobility of goods and individuals are all principles which are part of the progressive commitment of the extension of the entrepreneurial code of ethics. These elements are part of our modus operandi since the very beginning and we are enhancing their spread through new means of communication. The potential of the achieved entrepreneurial projects have created new links with the territories we work in, which led to develop new synergies in social, cultural and artistic sectors, enhance territorial development process and spur new cohesions with the individuals involved, contribute to the spread of our universal principles.




Lotras art in motion.

It is one of the different cultural issues that Lotras undertakes with enthusiasm and by strengthening new services in cultural-artistic projects – Kings of Green is a symbol of entrepreneurial innovation and regeneration. By aiming at favoring new energies, we are convinced that, by these issues, we spur the creation of a new long-distance economy. Lotras committed itself to sponsoring several interchange meetings, which are important to develop the Economy of clean transportation in Europe and abroad. Lotras is sensitive to new ecological sectors linked to new productivity, meanly, in new territories where we work in – from agricultural to food, cultural, artistic and sporting sectors. These elements make the Company, its employees, the customers of our global services feel more and more gratified and make all collective entities integrated in the massive transportation sector more dynamic.




Kings of Green! Conveying
the entrepreneurial
culture through the Art.

One of the most qualified projects of the society is the Kings of Green. It is aimed at promoting a widespread artistic expression and, at the same time, implementing a clear commitment to favoring the Ecosustainibility, which is already evident with the choice of a by-rail transportation, sensitive to environmental balance. The achieved goal is an out-and-out travelling museum of tank wagon fleet painted by the main international artists of the urbanart world. Art in movement is clear proof that a lively, proper, sensitive approach to the business is not only possible, but it is also a great opportunity to transport the culture by our means. Giorgio Bartocci participates to this-year project. He is a core street artist in the Italian background and well-known painter since years. He attended several collective and personal exhibitions.

