A commitment to

Today Lotras is a company that wishes to ask everyone a question, highlighting the value to the community of using the train as a means of transport that is environmentally friendly, safe and offers high performance in terms of time, elimination of waste and the reduction of wear and maintenance costs to be borne by the community.

We develop the best transport system for your goods, working together to optimise your journey.

Objective: increase your business and meet the needs of the end user.




Best Perfomance,
Observatory Puglia 2013.
The European House-Ambrosetti

Analysis of the results of the study – which involved 1,113 companies operating in five sectors (food, trade, energy, construction and transport) – showed that Lotras (a leader in the road-rail transport of liquid foodstuffs, and not only) with its multimodal terminal housing six kilometres of tracks equipped with modern pick-up and delivery equipment, has grown in a countercyclical direction focusing on strong internationalisation and investments in process and product innovation, including: innovation and quality of the services, organisation management and optimisation of all stages of transport through integration of the rail and road system; attention to ecology and eco-sustainability; strategic position for the rail traffic of agricultural and food stuffs; equipped with one of the largest fleets of wagons in Europe. It is no coincidence that the study, which refers to “Apulia from crisis to rebirth”, defines the companies standing out the most as regional champions challenging the economic situation, with the auspice that Apulia’s productive system will continue to focus on the elements characterising excellence.




The Lotras Model.

With the prestigious backdrop of the Italian National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) in Rome, Giorgio Napolitano, the President of the Italian Republic, awarded a Medal of Representation to Armando de Girolamo, Sole Director of LOTRAS, a company that with its business model has made the highest contribution to the development of goods transport by rail and achieved the best performance, not just on a national level. The ceremony was held within the scope of the third edition of MercinTreno, the annual forum promoted and organised by Federmobilità, an association bringing together the administrations responsible for governing mobility on a regional, provincial and local level, with the goal of promoting the readjustment of rail/road modal distribution.




Partnership with the largest
operator in the sector,
Trenitalia S.p.a.

The award was given to Lotras by Federmobilità in recognition of the continued commitment shown by the company, which relaunched investments despite the serious financial crisis in progress and the sector’s critical structural context; in particular – the reason stated by the panel of judges composed of university lecturers and executives from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - "for having developed rail operations in 2010/2011, strengthening not only national connections between the north and south, including Sicily, but also international connections, in particular with Germany, France and Austria, with an increase in terminal traffic of 72% compared to 2009 and an increase in overall rail traffic of 47% compared to 2009".




and Tradition.

Experience, coming from a long family tradition in the field of transport and logistics dating back to 1938, has enabled Lotras to become established in rail mode thanks to a high level of professionalism.

In the province of Foggia, after closure of the old FS goods yard in the industrial area of Incoronata, in the same area the company has converted the old ASI yard into a large logistics hub for rail-road interchange, using their own financial and economic resources to create a structure open to serving a wide catchment area.




The company’s
new direction.

These first years of operation are the reward for the team work and brilliant performance of the last two years, in particular they are the result of the company’s commitment, including on a financial level, to innovation, diversification and the quality of the services offered. Demonstrating that even in situations of territorial marginality and a serious financial crisis contributions can be made to support rail freight with brave business decisions.




Updating continuously for
successful logistics.

LOTRAS is a European leader, as well as a point of reference, in the road – rail transport system for liquid foodstuffs.

Lotras also promotes strengthening and development of the rail system for other types of goods.





Safe transport in
uncongested areas.

For the “National Railways”, delocalization to uncongested areas, compared to the urban centrality of previous railway stations and their goods yards, is the main aspect of the reorganisation of activities related to the logistics of goods transport and for this reason, anticipating this need, LOTRAS makes optimum execution/management of the services a reality, developing a program for the management of a network of more accessible goods yards.




Our main goal.

Lotras S.r.l. bases its operation on one great goal: to organise, in Italy and abroad, the freight of goods giving preference to railway transport for long distances.

Replacing so-called 'all road' transport, using rail freight yards as points of reference for public and private companies, with the end user in mind.




We look ahead,
with young
people in mind!

The desire to convey our values even to people outside of the industry. To communicate with society about matters of shared interest, of benefit to the public, of change, is another goal we wish to achieve.

The development of people, investment for the development of culture and the promotion of social, educational and sporting initiatives are fundamental elements at the centre of attention for LOTRAS.




Certifications, safety, health
of workers and ethics.

Lotras adopted an integrated management system which complies with the norms ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and SA 8000 with purpose and field of application "Transport of liquid food (wine and must) by tank wagons and intermodal transport by swap bodies and containers".

ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
SA 8000
Certificato di conformità per funzioni di manutenzione
Certificato di conformità del soggetto responsabile della manutenzione




Record Systems
and Quality Control.

Lotras has chosen to structure its management system to include aspects related to the environment, the health and safety of workers and social responsibility. Respect for important aspects related to the quality of the services provided and therefore the attention paid to customer needs, but also to the values associated with protecting the environment and the health of workers, safety in the workplace, operating in a context that guarantees respect for human and legal rights, providing all external parties (suppliers, public institutions, unions, public opinion, etc) a transparent image of the company.




Distribution and
Quality Control.

Every transport service we perform is monitored and recorded with the aim of obtaining a better service for our customer the producer and for the end user, the consumer.




SA 8000 reporting

LOTRAS has organized a communication system for the management of the reports concerning the implementation of the SA 8000 norm; this is to allow all parties involved to be able to contribute actively to the improvement of the Integrated Management System.

Reports can be sent to Lotras


Reports can be sent anonymously straight to the Certifying Body SGS


and/or to the Accreditation Body SAAS




Modello organizzativo D.Lgs. 231/2001

Model of organisation and control - Ethic code
Model of organisation management and control - General part

Since a long time Lotras has been implementing the Integrated Management System which complies with the norms ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and SA 8000. The Company organised, in fact, its own management system taking into account the respect of the environment, security and health of workers and social responsibility which concerns its business model and by which they can be positively influenced.
In 2023, it applied for renewal of the legality rating at the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 2, of the Regulation adopted by the Antitrust Authority with resolution no. 28361 of 28 July 2020. On the basis of the declarations made, as well as the outcome of the evaluations carried out, the Authority resolved to renew LOTRAS S.R.L. (Tax Code 02339200715) the legality rating with the following score:

as shown in the list published on the institutional website of the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority at the following link: Legality rating list

The company has also implemented a model for the organisation, management and control in compliance with the Legislative Decree 231/2001, by appointing a Supervisory Body aimed at verifying that organisational and management protocols established are applicated and respected. For Lotras the definition of 231 model was a real path by which the Company has carried out a detailed analysis and an in-depth mapping of its activities and single organisational processes by which the company is organised.br> All this has been accomplished thanks to the essential attention and awareness of the need to ensure conditions of accuracy and transparency for the direction of business and entrepreneurial activities, in order to safeguard its own position and appearance, expectations of its business partners and workers.

AZIENDA - D.Lgs. 231/2001

Lotras - Logistic & Eco Transport
Privacy policy
Hi there, we are Lotras and this is our privacy policy. When we say “we” or “us” or “Lotras”, it means Lotras srl - Zona ASI Incoronata - 71122 Foggia - Italy. When we say “policy” or “privacy” or “Regulation” we mean this privacy policy which is aimed at explaining which personal data about you we collect, the reason why we collect them and how you can access, update and delete them. When we say “data” or “informazion” or “personal data” we refer to “personal information”.
What kind of data do we collect when you visit our website?
Our website is hosted by third party and finds itself in Italy. Our server collects automatically some information like your IP address during the web surfing, information and requested pages, your browser's version (that is to say the software you use to surf the web) and your operating system. Furthermore, date and hour of the different requests to our pages and the origin of your request (the page or the link by which you came to our website) are registered. Our service provider keeps these data for infrastructure-related security reasons, checking unauthorised accesses and preventing attacks and any other suspicious activities. Unless in the case of reported damage or potential problems, we will not use and give consent to the use of these data to our provider.

We collect information also through “cookies” and “web analytics”, but we will talk about that in detail later.
Which personal data do we collect when you contact us?
When you provide us with information via the contact form of the website or when you send us an email, in accordance with this circular, you give your consent to the use of personal data. If you send us name, surname, telephone number and email address, these data are registered together with your message. If you attach or send your curriculum vitae, we will keep it by respecting this policy.
If you contact us telephonically, we will save the information that you provide us with, but we will not register the call.
If you contact through the postal service we will keep the information that you send us.
How do we obtain information about you by third party?
Usually we do not receive information about you by third party, but sometimes we might access to your data through websites, publications or social medias when we do not have enough information to contact you or verify that data are correct.

Also, Web analytics services and cookies are tracking technologies used by our third-party providers and provide us with information concerning your web surfing.
How and why do we use your information?
We will use your personal information to:
  1. Allow the website to work, e.g., to identify you when access to the website
  2. Keep you updated about modifications to our website and services or keep you informed about problems or security updates
  3. Give you information that you requested or support you
  4. Make technical analysis on the website in order to improve its efficiency and quality of services
  5. Check activities on the website in order to identify potential fraudulent activities and make sure that all actions are in accordance with the terms of use of the website
  6. Manage our legal and operational operativity
  7. Provide with administrative services.
Who we share your information with?
Your information is not provided by third party unless to enjoy necessary services or supporting services to our activity. Among these services we have:
  • Telephone Company (IT)
  • E-mail services (IT)
  • Mailing list services (IT)
  • IT support (IT)
  • Web development (IT)
  • Hosting supply (IT)
Your information will be shared only if strictly necessary.

We will be obliged to share them for legal reasons. This happens:
  • If we suspect a fraudulent use or crime and we will be obliged to contact the police
  • If we need to enforce our rights due to the violation of intellectual property right, missing payments or unfulfillment of contractual obligations.
  • To settle litigations with you and third party.
  • To comply with legal obligations.
Where and how do we store your information?
Your personal information is memorised to safety on our servers or on those of our hosting service providers and occasionally in backups stored in safe places. The access to your personal data is restricted to authorised personnel only and only for the reasons mentioned above. We use authenticated access measure and, if possible, we encrypt your data. We use safe transition technologies with cryptography such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in order to protect financial transactions.
Paper documents containing your information is stored in restricted areas and is accessible to authorised personnel who can process them for supplying the service.
How long do we store your information?
We store your information just for the time we need to provide you with the services or to comply with regulations. In some cases, this period is specified clearly:
  • For the mailing list you are registered to, we store your information as long as you keep your subscription or until when we decide to suspend the service.
  • For the emails and correspondence, we will keep your information for the period we need to answer you and for the following 6 months. After that, we will cancel your information.
If we cannot give a clear date, we store information until when it is necessary by considering the following criteria:
  • The purpose and use of the piece of information now and in the future
  • The possible obligations to store the registrations
  • The potential risks concerning the storage of personal data
  • The difficulty to keep the data updated
  • The legal basis to store your data (e.g., did you give us the consent?)
  • The nature of the relation and any other circumstance
Cookies and web analytics, what is that?
Cookies are little text files used by the browser to memorise information about you for different purposes.
We use them in order to improve your web surfing experience (e.g., to memorise your access password) or analyse the use. To get more information visit https://www.allaboutcookies.org/ and read our policy on cookies.

On our website we use Google Analytics in order to obtain information about the traffic and web surfing from Google. Google gathers some of your data among which IP and cookies to provide its analysis service which are aggregated and anonymous because we decided to set our service in this way. Read Google privacy policy for partners for further details.
You can also decide to deactivate Google Analytics by downloading the plugin for your browser.
We do not process your sensitive data
We process only your personal data by respecting the period and the way written before. Sensitive data concern health, religion, ethnicity, political opinions, subscription to trade unions, genetic and biometric data. We do not know and we do not collect these data intentionally and you do not have to send us your sensitive data. In the case you do it, intentionally or by mistake, we will give for sure your consent to process them just to be cancelled.
And now let's talk about your rights
Taking into consideration the right limitations, here we have a list of your rights that you can enforce by sending an email to privacy@lotras.it:
  • You can request the access to your information and information concerning the processing of your data
  • You can ask for the correction or cancellation of your data
  • You can ask for the limitation in the use of your data
  • You can ask to receive the data that you provided us with in the modality generally used for the communication among the machines (e.g. a CSV file)
  • You can deny the consent to the process of the data for specific purpose
  • You can withdraw the consent to the use of your data in any moment also if you previously gave us the consent without impairing our previous authorization.
Information that you make public or give to others
We cannot be held responsible if you provide information to third party, for example by sharing a link through a social network or contacting another user. Before sharing information, check their privacy policy about how they process data.
Policy update
Now and then we will update our policy to comply with law modifications or inform about the modifications to our way of processing. For this reason, come back to read this updated document. It is up to you.
How can you get in touch with us?
You can contact us by send an email to privacy@lotras.it or by postal service to the address Lotras srl - Zona ASI Incoronata - 71122 Foggia

If you are not satisfied with our answers and if you think that there might be problems for the data processing, you can contact The Italian Data Protection Authority.
Thanks for your patience!
We thank you for having followed us up to the end, because we believe that this is the best way to understand how your personal information is used and how to process it as best as you can.

To get more information download REGULATION EU 2016/679 (GDPR)
Lotras - Privacy policy v2.01 - 16/04/2021