Presentato il Whole Train Archive

On Saturday 25th July, the Whole Train Archive exposition event was held at Lotras Terminal of Foggia-Incoronata.      

          The exposition, organised by Mr Domenico Pio de Girolamo, showed the collection of canvas, pictures, installations and publications, fruit of the ten-year collaboration between Globcom/Whole Train Press and Lotras, that, through photography, valorised and documented the phenomenon of writing and art.

          It was a major landmark among the expositions and events dedicated to the sharing of the material created or acquired over time by Globcom/Whole Train Press and Mr Domenico de Girolamo, both in Italy and abroad, by photographers and artists with whom they collaborated.

          Inside Lotras Railway Terminal, a library was created and collocated in some areas that gathered a collection of fanzines, about a million and over 400 books, besides the photographic archive and an area for the distribution of editorial products.

          Like all the cycles, this experience evolved too by the transfer of the library from Rome. It was decided to create the exposition at the Terminal in order to allow people to experience once again the natural union between this art and railway environment. 

In addition to the areas dedicated to the documentation and presentation of the work, the painted freight wagons, used by Lotras, played a key role among numerous initiatives come in succession over the last years, dedicated to the writing art on the wagons fleet and at the basis of the Kings of Green project.

Kings of Green involved several artists, most of whom found a springboard for their success at international level, and overseas, in the events organised by Mr Domenico Pio de Girolamo, as operators and art critics have always asserted.

The painted travelling wagon fleet, furthermore, besides connoting and characterising different freight stations, in particular Foggia-Incoronata Terminal, is also an efficient means of artistic promotion and cultural ambassador throughout the world. The exposition path, finally, joined the precious Wholetrain Press archive to a selection of the best work created on wagons during these years, in order to introduce the collection not only to the insiders or those who frequent the Terminal.