Collaboration with the University of Foggia is strengthened

"I thank Lotras and the Sole Administrator Armando de Girolamo for this further proof of attention to the territory and to the activity of our University". Thus Milena Sinigaglia - Director of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food, Natural Resources and Engineering (Dafne) of the University of Foggia - opened the ceremony for the delivery of two scholarships dedicated to the memory of Domenico Pio De Girolamo and assigned to two deserving students of the Degree Course in Management Engineering. During his speech, the Sole Administrator of Lotras Armando de Girolamo (in the photos with the Director of Dafne Milena Sinigaglia, the wife of Domenico Pio de Girolamo, Teresa Santoro, and the two winners) underlined the strategic value of a close and constant connection between the academic world and the local business system, indispensable to favor technological innovation and the permanence in the territory of the skills formed in university courses of absolute excellence.